Asking God for help

Asking God for help

I went on my IG stories today and talked about this, but I thought i would do a blog post about it as well.

A month and a half ago I was contemplating this whole small business. I didn’t feel like people liked my designs. I didn’t have a huge following. I had lost money in the past trying to make it work while also working full time as a nurse. All the negative thoughts were building up and I had no where to look but up. 

Up to God. As i drove to get my sweet Charlie from day care i prayed. “God, show me what to do because i have no idea what i need to do. I know you 100% know so please just tell me if i need to give this up. If i need to continue doing this then show me something that will let me know just that.” I went on to get my son just like i always had. I continued my day to day routines, kept painting as i always had, and kept talking to God. 

A week or so later i posted my best seller, the Football Truck Door Hanger. I had painted this hanger a month prior but had not posted about it because football season was so far off. It instantly blew up! I had so many order, and still do for this cute hanger! I couldn’t believe it. I was overwhelmed but in a good way. I felt so confident in my ability, my creativity, my self. 

As the weeks went on the orders kept coming. The followers added up. I was asked by a company fundraising director if i would be interested in hosting a paint party fundraiser for their gym. I was immediately all in and we discussed princes and such with promise of a more precise number of participants a week prior. Today i received a text that confirmed 57 attendees for the fundraiser! I couldn’t believe it. I had no words. I rarely cry happy tears, but today they fell. Everything that had happened in the last few weeks was now coming to my mind. THIS is God. This is all Him and this is what he wants me to do. THANK YOU GOD! 

I am so grateful i prayed that prayer. I’m so grateful I serve a God that I’m allowed to ask thought questions and come without conditions. I spent so much of my life hiding myself from someone who made me in His image from the very beginning. 

My prayer for you is that you take 2 Corinthians 12:9 and apply it to your life. “His power is made perfect in my weakness.” My weakest point, He is faithful. My highest point, He is faithful. 


xo Ash

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